To assist with the containment of the COVID-19 virus whilst carrying out your essential solar electrical works, the following measures have been taken:

3 Meter Minimum Distance Policy

A minimum distance of 3 meters  must be maintained between ServiceTech personnel and our customers at all times, which is achieved through the following measures:



  • The electrician will call you to advise of his arrival and will discuss any relevant matters over the phone before commencement – you are advised to remain inside until completion of works. 
  • If telephone contact is not possible to advise you of arrival, the electrician will call out verbally whilst maintaining a 3 meter minimum distance from the entrance.
  • If it is necessary to knock on the door, a sanitised instrument has been set aside to do this and the electrician will immediately back away to a safe 3 meter minimum distance.
  • Verbal correspondence must be made outside the home in an open air environment wherever possible whilst maintaining the minimum 3 meter distance at all times. When this is not possible, mobile phones can be used to assist.



  • As an extra precaution we request the restraint or isolation of pets to ensure there is no unnecessary contact with ServiceTech personnel whilst carrying out their duties.


Payment Methods

  • Eftpos Payments – All Eftpos payments will now be done via a mobile Westpac PayWay application which doesn’t require the physical exchange of a card.
  • Cash/Cheque – If cash or cheque is the only option available, we will ask you to have the funds stored in an envelope or similar container and left in a suitable location before the works have concluded, which will allow the 3 meter rule to be adhered to when collecting. Booking staff will confirm arrangements specific to your situation. We advise you to stay inside your home with the door shut while the payment is collected. 


Connection to Water Supply

  • After the technician disconnects the hose from the external faucet, the handle, faucet and any other surfaces touched will be sanitised.


As always, we advise you to stay up to date with the information and latest releases from the Australian Department of Health to ensure we all do everything possible to navigate a safe passage through these unprecedented times.


Stay Safe – the team at ServiceTech Solar Repairs & Maintenance