Solar Panel Repairs

Solar Panel Repairs


Our solar panel services at Service Tech include the repair of your solar panels as necessary. This covers a full diagnostic and maintenance health check as well, which can greatly improve the performance of your system by 5-25%. 


We also provide upgrade option assessments and advice, as well as power storage recommendations. In parallel to this, we can also give you a product recall assessment as necessary.


When it comes to your solar panels, below are some of the most common issues that you may encounter and how our services can help address them accordingly.


Micro-cracks and Hot Spots


There are instances wherein small fractures appear on the surface of your solar panels. If these are not addressed immediately, they can grow in size over time, leading to more damage that negatively affects the performance of your system. More often than not, these cracks are acquired during the production of the PV modules, during the shipping of the panels, or when there is an extreme change in ambient temperature brought about by abrupt weather changes.


The repair process to address these fractures depends on where and how your panels are installed. If they are mounted on your roof, they need to be taken out entirely. From there, each of the panels needs to be thoroughly cleaned before the fractures in the glass panels are repaired. Without dirt and grime, the fractures and other damages will become more apparent.


PID Effect


Another common problem that you may encounter with your solar panels is the PID effect. PID stands for Potential Induced Degradation, which is often caused by the voltage fluctuations that occur between the voltage generated by the panel and its grounding. In this case, it is best that you get in touch with us to rectify the issue promptly because we will be able to stabilise the performance of your solar power system.


Loose Wiring


When the installation of your solar panels is properly conducted, there is a slim chance for you to experience loose wiring problems. In case of otherwise, you may encounter unexpected power generation issues because of the loose wires. Before this problem gets out of hand, make sure that you get in touch with us immediately. We have the appropriate metres and other wire performance checking tools that can effectively assess and rectify your problem.


Inner Module Damage


More often than not, inner module damages are caused by poor-quality components. These damages can further cause delamination, discolouration of solar connectors, as well as PV cell staining and unwanted inclusions in the laminates. If you suspect inner module damage, get in touch with us because we will remove the glass from your solar panel to repair the damage accordingly.


Module Damage Caused by External Factors


Because solar panels are usually installed on top of your roof, they are subjected to varying weather conditions such as storm, hail, snow pressure, as well as lightning. Long and extremely cold weather conditions can freeze your solar frames, while lightning can result in defective bypass diodes and other components. Apart from these, your solar panels also need to be able to withstand the activities of stray animals as well as the impact of broken branches. 


Need help with your solar panels? Call us!

Solar panels can somehow be quite complicated, which is why you must have them attended by CEC accredited electricians and solar panel specialists with years of experience. To ensure that your solar panel is repaired with speed and accuracy at a reasonable cost, our trained technicians at Service Tech will visit your property to inspect and assess your panels. From there, we will source out parts that need to be replaced and repair other components that can still be salvaged. Rest assured that after a series of performance and safety tests, your solar panels will turn out good as new. Otherwise, we can also make a recommendation for a new solar panel installation if this proves to be a more cost-effective solution. 


Solar Performance Report


Alongside our solar panel repair services, we will provide you with a comprehensive solar performance report. This includes detailed information about the performance of your system before and after the repairs are made. Rest assured that we check all the components of your system to assess their current status and durability.


Call us now at 1300 611 880 and talk to one of our friendly staff to know more about how you can get your solar panels back in good condition once again.


Our team of qualified technicians has over 8 years of experience in servicing the Gold Coast, Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, as well as the Northern NSW region. We can also provide you with assistance with your warranty claims.


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Locations in Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast – Servicing from Lismore NSW to Gympie Qld

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